Sae 6b spline shaft dimensions
Sae 6b spline shaft dimensions

sae 6b spline shaft dimensions

Cardinal B-splines have knots that are equidistant from each other. Any spline function of given degree can be expressed as a linear combination of B-splines of that degree. In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, a B-spline, or basis spline, is a spline function that has minimal support with respect to a given degree, smoothness, and domain partition. So you need to rely on experience and engineering skills to tolerance the dimensions for the shaft. It offers no recommendations for the shaft. The SAE standard is derived from the tight & consistent tolerances that can be achieved when using a broach for manufacturing the internal profile. Splines provide a more uniform circumferential transfer of torque to the shaft than a key. There are two major types of splines used in industry: 1) straight-sided splines, and 2) involute splines. 11-6 Splines can be thought of as a series of axial keyways with mating keys machined onto a shaft.

sae 6b spline shaft dimensions

B-spline with control points/control polygon, and marked component curves

Sae 6b spline shaft dimensions